Friday 4 November 2016

Dryfruit Roll (Sugar free sweet)

Dryfruit roll is one of the sweets I love to make during festivals. its healthy as I have used jaggery and not sugar. You can make this without using jaggery also but as it gives a good soft texture so i preferred using it and with lots of dryfruits. Soft outer layer covered with dates , anjeer and jaggery and loaded with no of dryfruits. Put as many as u want :) Oh ! Just Love it. Looks rich too 

Dryfruit roll -Easy and yummy sugar free sweets for festivals 😊 . 

Very quick to make and irresistible.

Preparation Time : 15 minutes 
Cooking Time : 10 - 15 minutes 
Overall : 30 minutes

Ingredients : 

  • 1/2 tsp of ghee 
  • 1/2 tsp of cardamon powder 
  • 1/2 cup of jaggery (optional) 
  • 2 cups of deseeded dates ( chopped) 
  • 1 cup of mix dryfruit as list below and chopped. 
  • cashews, almonds, pistachios, raisins, charoli or chironji nuts) 
  • some poppy seeds to coat. 
How to prepare : 
  • Chop dates and add raisins to it  and keep aside. You may also add anjeer if you like . I have added just 3-4 anjeers. 
  • Chop cashews, almonds, pistachios, raisins, charoli or chironji nuts and mix them all and keep  
  • aside. 
  • Heat a tsp of ghee and roast the mix dryrfuit on a medium slow flame for 2-3 minutes. 
  • Add cardammon powder and mix well. 
  • Now add dates and jaggery and mix nicely till they all come together and a dough is formed. 
  • Overall process take only 5-7 minutes 
  • Roll it cylindrical and start cutting it in pieces. 
  • Roll or coat each piece in poppy seeds 
  • Store it in an airtight container. 
These sweets are good to have during winters too. 

Note : You can even put your dryfruits whole or just chop them a bit. This nutty bar tastes great in whichever form you have it. 

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